LinkedIn can be a valuable resource for reaching out and connecting with fellow professionals, as well as a good way to share ideas or thought leadership. To find out how best to establish — and build — your following on the site, read below.

What is the best way to gain a community of followers on LinkedIn?
1.      Publish Well-Researched, Thoughtful Content
The single best way to build an online community, on LinkedIn or anywhere else, is to publish high-value, thoughtful content. Of course, because everyone knows this, you have to go the extra mile. Steer clear of publishing “hot takes” or shallow opinion pieces. The most effective content is deeply researched, well-written and expresses original ideas in an interesting way.
2.      Start or Join a Group
Get involved with or start your own LinkedIn group. Post compelling content on the latest industry news and events. If starting your own group, assign a member of your team to moderate and monitor ongoing discussions, and post new ideas and thought topics to instigate new conversations. That’s a great way to appeal to a larger audience rather than just targeting individual followers.
3.      Tag People in Your Posts
One way of making sure that you gain new eyeballs within your community is by raving about members who haven’t joined yet. Tag them in your post and make them feel special. Once you are able to make them feel special they will want to join because the other community members have already heard about them. This is one way to get your voice heard within a community and build authority.
4.      Create Video Content
Right now, a video is working well. I’d like to call LinkedIn Facebook for professionals, so you need to create video content that would be valuable for your audience. With that said, do it regularly and be the first to engage with people.
5.      Post Stuff You Would Click On
Before posting anything on LinkedIn ask yourself, “Would I click on this if someone else posted this exact same thing in my feed?” If the answer isn’t yes, do not post it. Sometimes self-editing is hard. We think of something, jot it down and then instantly hit the “post” button. Ask yourself if this is a dynamic enough post, statement, video that you yourself would click on it.
6.      Promote Your Profile and Articles
An easy way to get more followers on LinkedIn is to promote your profile and articles. Share your LinkedIn articles on your social media profiles, link your profile in your other profiles, on your website, at the end of blog posts, etc. And don’t forget, when you promote your LinkedIn profile ask people to connect with you. If you ask, they’ll be more likely to send a connection request.
7.      Be Someone Worth Following
It’s been said that the best way to get what you want is to help others get what they want. Release fresh and relevant content to your network and engage people in industry-specific groups. Be someone who consistently adds value for free and is looking out for the best interests of others. You’ve had success in your field, so share your expertise freely with those who aren’t at your level yet.
Addpro, the leading digital marketing company in Bangalore, follows above tips and manages LinkedIn prospects, generate leads, and build trust with your ideal prospects. For more information log on


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