As the world changes steadily, so does the market. Gone are the days of spending a significant amount of cash on creating the perfect ad and product pitch. With the advent of digital and social media marketing, you can increase your sales value easily. Both the corporate giants and the SMEs have a level playing ground when it comes to product promotion and sales; all that matters is the product (service) efficiency and quality. These days, the consumer choice is influenced by creative advertisements marketed towards a target audience thus making it much more successful than traditional adverts. Without further ado, let’s get down to the brass tacks of digital marketing:

  1. Analytics And The Market: Numbers Don’t Lie
Analytics is the key for understanding and conceptualizing business practices. Understanding what customers browse, site hits and customer density helps companies decide the target audience based and marketing strategies which revolve around time, geographical location, price range etc. These data points are important in targeting acquisitions and help companies understand the best time or site to target their digital marketing efforts on.

Market dynamics have changed forever. With the explosion of the smartphone industry, especially in emerging countries like India, the customer base has increased and expanded ten folds. The Indian market has been the best place to experiment with analytics and market trends by big companies and startups alike. It has the population to analyze and the economic difference to experiment with market trends. Indian startups and MNCs have welcomed this new-age smartphone proliferation, which has increased the slow but steady growth of online transactions.
2.      Social Media - The Great Equalizer
Social media has undoubtedly played a huge factor in digital marketing. The companies realized that products only sell when people talk about them. Facebook not only changed the social interaction scene but also ushered in the next generation of marketing ploys. Companies now connect to their customer base through social media platforms using it as both a catalog and a medium to interact better. Organizations pickup on viral trends and use it to attract customers to buy more.
Creative content is the go-to when it comes to communicating with the target audience, mostly youngsters who spend a majority of their time on the social media. Social media has been the biggest game-changer in terms of building and growing a loyal subscriber base. Not just this, companies like Facebook curate advertisements and suggestions based on user searches as well. Digital marketing is the new ‘pay to play’. You pay for your content to be advertised and reach out to a wider audience. This is same for both big and small players.

 3. Big Data Helps Understand the Audience Better
Most companies, irrespective of their size (startups or established) agree that knowing the customer is the key to selling products better. But how exactly do they accomplish it? The answer is Big Data! Companies analyze customer behavior & needs like trends of shopping by studying the data. This in turn fuels the marketing strategy. Users are constantly connected to the digital world through their phones and mobile devices. The data consumed each second is recorded and analyzed to better target the audience.
Big data is one of the newest tools that the companies use these days to maximize their understanding of the customer base. Companies use this data to suggest the user relevant product and effectively influence their choices. What started off as a tool to understand the user needs better has been transformed into a tool to test the market. The use of Big Data is pivotal in impacting user choice. Even smaller startups are using this trend to increase and maximize their output.
4.      SEO: Better Rankings, More Traffic & Greater Sales
With the help of Google (and other search engines), customers rely on their own research to come to well-informed decisions about products. SEO Analytics has emerged from nobody to one of the most market-effective tools to determine search optimization. It is more important to understand what the user searches and relay back information based on what they search.
Companies do not rely just on keyword stuffing and link spamming anymore. They rely on closely observed data of customer searches and modifications. SEO will be there for years to come and will always be dynamic, as the customer base is dynamic. As digital marketing progresses, so does our understanding of better SEO techniques and tools.
The trends of digital marketing will keep on changing; Addpro’s marketing techniques are much more optimized, refined and calculative. For more information log on to www.addpronetwork.com


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