Everyone loves to hear a good story. The art of listening to stories is deep-rooted and instilled in us since our childhood. The subconscious mind is extremely receptive to stories. Even as an adult we get drawn to good storytelling. Brands too when they tell a good story, often see traction in the digital space. A story can change the game overnight for a brand. The social media platform is all about telling stories and any good story has the potential to grow viral. Start-ups can capitalise on this age-old secret and capture the attention of the audience on social media. Here are 5 tips for an entrepreneur to crack the code of story marketing!

The content created by brands needs to firstly have a good story. A good story will be inspiring, will have ups and downs and alternatively, it can be extremely emotional, triggering feelings of love and empathy. It important for the brand to tell a story from a certain point of view so that it resonates with a certain section of the consumers.
Brands are varying of negative publicity and very few brands turn controversy into an advantage. Mistakes might happen and it is best to face them and turn things around. The audience is always forgiving.
Video stories:
The millennials are always on their phones watching some or the other video. Video streaming is huge, especially with the new Instagram. It is only through the video a brand can connect emotionally with the consumer. A brand which does well-using video content shine by flooding the social media space with simple content with the peppy music.
Customer retention:
It is very easy to target an already existing consumer but reselling the new product to the same consumer is the new game here. This is a ready market waiting to be explored. The way to cross-sell and up sale is to constantly inform this consumer of new trends and new products/services. This can be done by an algorithm based on content push.
Impact v/s Reach:
It is of paramount importance to reach exactly 20% of the audience which will convert into business rather than garnering a larger base of audience. Focus on catching their attention by creating impact based communication and reach a strategy!
Addpro being the leading digital marketing company in Bangalore creates content that resonates with the brand’s ethos and integrates with them. This helps in driving the message to the consumer and also garnering relevant reach. For more information logon to


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