What Does Being Digitally Mean?

What Does Being Digitally Mean?
Today the four pillars of digital include Coding, Digital Design, Digital Marketing, and Data Analytics. Why just these four? Because that’s all you need for building the companies of tomorrow. You need a coder to build it, a designer to make it look good, a marketer to sell it and an analytics person to optimize it. Hence having even one of these digital skills can prove to be a great asset for anyone today. Opportunities that being digitally literate bring on board:
1. Take any business online
The number of customers to be found online will always beat the physical limitations of brick and mortar. Roughly, only 18% of the world’s businesses today are online and the rest don’t know how to get there.
2. Build your own brand
“Developing your personal brand is key to monetizing your passion online.” — Gary Vaynerchuk
Being socially active and sharing valuable content that you’re passionate about could get you the recognition. The idea is to create an audience that loves the authentic you. This can allow you to not only start a product line in a matter of weeks but also put you in the limelight.
2. Blog
You can earn massive payouts with advertising options such as Ad Sense, Facebook Audience Network and many other options that are available out there today. Having a large number of visitors on your blog can give you an opportunity at a great earning opportunity similar to the old school broking - Affiliate Marketing. Today, all major e-commerce websites offer a program for affiliates that offer a great commission. It’s all passive income.
4. Freelance or Digital Nomad
A freelancer is a person who is self-employed and is not necessarily committed to a particular employer long-term. And it is high in demand. So today, being a freelancer can easily mean earning better than most desk jobs have to offer. While a digital nomad is similar to a freelancer but is not restricted to any physical location, they travel from place to place. Hence the term - Digital Nomad. If you Google -“Top Freelancing Industries”, the top results are- graphic design and web design. Hence, digital skills are extremely vital. Also, it’s super easy to get gigs to work on with a great freelance platform like Fiverr, Upwork, Freelancer, Indifolio and many more.
5. Build your own business
As discussed earlier, the four pillars of digital are the foundation to build companies of tomorrow. If you think you have a vision and want to see it come to life, all you need is a little digital literacy, the right skill set and you can truly actualize your dreams.

Addpro being the leading digital marketing company gets your business online with the latest ideas. For more information log on to www.addpronetwork.com 


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